Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Picking up my Sword

I always love reading Psalms.  I find myself relating to David when he talks about how he feels when he sins, that it feels like a sickness.  I also find myself relating to David when he talks about music and singing shouts to the Lord.  I love that all throughout he talks about the Lord as his shield.  and Psalm 27 has always been my favorite.

But there was always one thing that I could not really relate on, when David talks about his adversaries.  I never really thought, yea I have this enemy and this enemy and they are attacking me.  But I have a different opinion when I read through the Psalms now and I have added another way that I can relate to David.

I had a spiritually dry summer.  (You may have been able to tell due to the lack of blogs) There is no other excuse for this other than me rebelling against God and not staying in His Word.

I have a best friend who loves the Lord named Branden Leone.  But with him I live by Song of Solomon's 4:12 picture of a locked garden, a sealed fountain.  I do not rely on him for renewing of my heart, because that is dangerous.  Also, I did not have the privilege of having my girl friends in town to fellowship with.  Now that I have that privilege back, I will never take advantage of it again.

The enemy has had it's turn with me and he is clever and cunning.  I will never underestimate his power again.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?"

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