why does man care about looks so much? I've been pondering this my entire life basically. I mean you read in 1st Samuel about how "man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" This is what God told Samuel when he knew that David (short and weak) would be the next king. So when I read that it gets me pumped up. "Ok God, today I'm not going to worry about the way I look, as long as i know that You love me and my heart, then I will be happy. But the day ends, and something was said about a hair being out of place, or a piece of clothing not matching and my day is ruined. Why is Satan so effective when it comes to telling us we are ugly? I'm going to go over some physical and spiritual applications that God has shown me in my life up to this past week.
Go back with me to pre-summer of '07 and meet a young girl who believed nothing other than what she had been told. Even in high school, the only thing she saw was her weight. Her personality suffered because of this. If anyone was asked what they thought of her, the average answer would be "she's sweet" and thats it. Well God rocked her world when she lived at a camp for a summer. She was surrounded by community. Now, I'm not talking about friends who share their testimonies and then hang out community. No, I'm talking about the community where you share your life together and the next time you meet up, it is like there was no time that passed when you were apart. Everyone was uplifting, she forgot her old self and became someone who wanted to be outgoing and wanted to start playing guitar and singing and laughing and joking. She found the personality that was hidden under criticism from family and friends for years and years.
something else happened to this girl, she lost weight, and began a physical transformation journey. Three years and 83 pounds later you would not have even recognized her. She finally figured out that she was beautiful, and stopped turing to food to stay in her comfort zone and to stay the person she was told to be, and start becoming the woman that God created her to be.
There were 3 factors that helped me get through that journey. Firstly, I experienced love and community for the first time, no more negativity. Secondly, I discovered my active passion to ride bikes. and Thirdly, I had to stop looking in the mirror. Let me explain, I lived in a tiny cabin with 7 other girls, there was one mirror. The chance that I got to even use that mirror was slim to none. I was bummed about it at first, but then realized that the time i usually spend in front of the mirror was spent elsewhere, like in the morning to have my time with God, or at night to get to bed a few minutes early. I felt more confident during the day because I wasn't concerned about a blemish on my face that I never saw! I wasn't changing clothes over and over again because I wasn't worried about what people thought of my outfit. It was such a relief.
Lately, I have been slipping back into my old self, physically and mentally. Becoming more concerned with the way I look, my hair, my weight, etc... so, I've struggled to start up and be healthy. I couldn't figure out why i can just start loosing weight like I used to and why i keep gaining. So I thought of something I could try.
I have never fasted from anything in my life. But right now, I am fasting from looking in the mirror. Before you freak out, I will still maintain my hygiene- trust me! But looking in the mirror for me and for most people goes like this: ugh..pimple. why is my hair doing this today? (turning to the side) man, I've let myself go... (tugging at clothes) I should probably change..
Why would anyone want to start or end a day with these thoughts?? I don't, so until I learn to not dwell in my physical reflection, I am covering up my mirror with pictures of friends and family, of scripture that is encouraging, and anything else that will build me up and not tear me down.
It is true when they say your worst critic is yourself. Spiritually, what Satan does is he holds a mirror up for you to use. This mirror is a unique kind, it only shows your past, your mistakes, your spiritual struggles. When you look into this mirror, you see the scars from wounds of hurt that people have put you through, you think you have forgiven them, but you still can't believe they did that to you. What needs to be looked at is Jesus. Look at yourself, and how our Healer has taken every blemish and wound and has made us new. Completely new. When we stop looking at Satan's lying mirror, we will be more confident coming to the throne of Christ, while still realizing that we have nothing to offer except for our wounds and blemishes. He heals those, pouring over His grace and peace. Looking in the mirror will only let you forget what He has done.
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